I rarely actually purchase items online but I do spend a lot of time using the internet to research of various topics which can often bring up undesirable websites and/or images. All it takes is a typo and you'll run across something objectionable. To combat that issue we have installed a filter from Hedgebuilders. We have been with this company for several years. We've gone through loading it to new computers, multiple computers and upgrading without major issues.
My favorite part is that the guy that wrote the software is also the support person. He knows it inside and out and is quick to respond to issues and walk you through them. How cool is that?
It is reasonably priced and it does a really good job blocking sites. You can control which type of sites are blocked. It cannot be turned off unless you have Hedgebuilders do it. It also has an email accountability option for free.
They are offering a free TWO WEEK trial. The protection and peace of mind we get from this filter is immeasurable.
From Hedgebuilders:
Top 10 Reasons to Make Your Internet Safe withA+ Internet Filtering for Christians
10. With A+ you can keep your current e-mail addresses.
9. A+ uses S4F, one the highest rated filters in the Industry.
8. A+ is unapologetically designed with Christians in mind.
7. A+ is a Not-For-Profit organization focused on providing protection, not making money.
6. A+ provides special discounts for pastors, ministries, and missionaries. (Click on "Pastors and Missionaries" link on Homepage)
5. A+ offers DOUBLE PROTECTION by going a step further and word filtering search engines.
4. A+ does all the work, once it is installed you don't have to fool with software upgrades or ratings systems.
3. You can download A+ right off the web and be protected in only a few minutes.
2. A+ is very inexpensive to use. Try it two weeks for FREE!
1. A+ works anywhere in the world that the Internet is available.
Head on over to Rocks In My Dryer for more great tips!